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Thread: [GUIDE] VW 9wz Bluetooth module and Android phones

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
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    [GUIDE] VW 9wz Bluetooth module and Android phones

    This is a rough guide to getting your Android phone to pair and work with your 9wz Bluetooth module if it does not already. Many Android handsets do not support this BT profile by default. Nokia and older Windows phones support rSAP out of the box. Most Samsung Android phones also do. Apple iOS devices do not support rSAP.

    • 9wz/9zz Bluetooth module (3C8 035 730) with rSAP support.
      Android phone supported by the Android-rSAP ap

      Root access to your Android's operating system

    What is rSAP?
    Remote SIM Access Profile is a subset of the Bluetooth protocol that allows the Bluetooth module in your car to use it's inbuilt GSM transciever to connect to the SIM card in the phone. This can allow for better reception due to the use of an external antenna.

    My phone isn't rooted, it works fine thank you very much...
    'Rooting' an Android phone refers to gaining access to 'root' ie the underlying system which is by default secured against modification.
    In order to modify the system files for the Bluetooth stack you need to unlock 'root' the phone.
    Basic guide to gaining root access to your Android phone

    1. Gain root access to your phone. As each phone is slightly different I won't go into details here. Read the basic guide above and then find the appropriate solution for your particular handset on the xda-developer forums.

    2. Install the 'Bluetooth SIM Access Install' system files from the Google Play store.
    Instructions here:

    3. Reboot the phone. Install the 'Bluetooth SIM Access trial' from the Play store.

    4. Turn on Bluetooth on the phone and set to discoverable

    5. Turned on the car to accessories, and in MFD menu, go to "Phone settings"-"Search"

    6. Pair the phone with the car by accepting the pairing request

    7. If the trial works, buy the full version of the ap for ~$12

    Please update the thread with phone model, Android and ROM version if you have this working. Then we can build a list of known compatible devices that people have working.

    Phones tested and working:
    HTC Desire S running Android 4.0.4, ViperSaga 2.2.0 ROM (thanks FJSteve)
    HTC One running Android 4.2.2, ViperOne ROM 1.2.1

    Not working
    HTC OneX running Android 4.0.4, ViperX ROM 3.7.5 - pairs in legacy mode but not in rSAP mode
    Last edited by kamold; 12-08-2013 at 10:17 AM. Reason: Added new HTC One
    2011 Skoda Octavia vRS TDI DSG wagon|Revo Stage 1|Race Blue|Leather|Dynamic Xenons w 6000K|9w7 BT|THA475 Amp+active sub|Whiteline ALK|RVC|
    2009 R36 wagon|Biscay Blue|RVC|Tailgate|ECU and DSG tune|LED DRL/Indicators|3D colour cluster|Quad LED tail rings|Climatronics upgrade|Dynaudio retrofit|B7 RLine Flat Steering Wheel|3AA CCM|TPMS Direct|B7 Adaptive Cruise with Front Assist|Discover Media retrofit|PLA 2.0|Lane Assist|BCM retrofit|High Beam Assist|DQ500

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Added link to 'LOOK HERE FIRST' thread in the Bluetooth section


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